
Logos, Branding & Content, Oh my: Sincerely Jackline

The Sincerely Jackline blog (formally Sincerely Miss J) is a long time (10 years!) passion project between myself  and the founder Jackline. Initially the  blog was about creating an accessible and relatable fashion blog, focusing on  thrift shopping and  tips that help develop personal yet professional style, featuring and representing woman of colour. 

As an adolescent I began as the photographer and graphic artist and helped develop a clean, modern, but playful brand.  

mj nrsng collage.jpg

Over the years I’ve worked on the project in many ways: designing logos and graphics, shooting photos and video, editing photos and video, to curveballs like social media engagement to copyediting. My skill set expanded  as Sincerely Jackline shifted towards DIY, motherhood, fashion and general lifestyle.

During rebranding I was responsible for redesigning the logo and website header and creating a basic style guide that the website, media kit, and other content would follow.

I wore many hats and flexed with the revolving roster of collaborators over the years. I filled many roles that that developed various skills in graphic arts, graphic design, photo and video editing, SEO, social media marketing and virtual assisting.
